Sunny Luu
IT Manager
Sunny loves technology. He was one of those kids who took electronic toys apart to see how everything worked and put them back together again just for fun. From there, he gained an interest in electronics and computers and is now building his career around computers.
Rivaling his passion for technology, Sunny enjoys helping people and sharing with them his knowledge and experience. For Sunny, breaking difficult and technical information down to easy byte size information for people to understand is a challenging and rewarding experience, as he believes that will help others and temper his teaching and communication skills. Being a very visual person, he likes to break down hard concepts into visual information to make it easy for most to see the big picture and grasp the flow of information.
At Illumination Institute, Sunny is the de facto Informational Technology personnel who is responsible for the development of Illumination’s technology infrastructure and mobile application. Additionally, he is responsible for streamlining project logistics as Illumination transitions to a more digital age.