Waivers Determination: Work Flow Between Dept. of Developmental Services and Social Service Agency
Note: The explanation is to provide a general explanation of the workflow. The actual workflow maybe more complex depending on the applicant's needs and criteria. When parents or guardians request Institutional Deeming or [...]
Mindful Intentions for the New Year
Top 10 Tips for living a more mindful New Year in 2020: 1. Breathe Mindful breathing is the greatest, yet simplest, stress-reduction technique that we can practice anytime and anywhere. Mindful breathing is focusing on and observing your breath [...]
Illuminate the Future – Fundraiser
If you would like to purchase a ticket, click here
Boost your Mental Wellness with these Self-Compassion Habits
Imagine you just witnessed your co-worker completely botch a presentation they had been working diligently on for weeks. What would you say to them? Would you keep bringing up their failure every day for the next several weeks? Chances [...]
Mindfulness at Orange County Mental Health Summits
According to the World Health Organization, mental wellness is defined as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and [...]
Bringing More Gratitude to Everyday Experiences
What moments or experiences come to mind when you think about the word gratitude? For many of us, our thoughts immediately turn to momentous occasions like the birth of a child, graduating college, landing your dream job, healing from sickness, [...]